We loves us some Amy

On Thursday, October 26th, I attended a promo signing event with Amy Sedaris that my boyfriend Dave had put together. She'd been in town to do a couple of signings and Dave had been able to arrange her appearance at Virgin's corporate office for a lunch time craft demonstation followed by a quick Q & A and signing blads of her new book "I like You, Hospitality Under the Influence". I arrived shortly after noon and got to meet Amy (tackle box in hand) and Dave in a side room before she had started her demo. The first thing out of her mouth upon meeting me was, "Oh, he's not ugly!" Amy's very petite in person with a flawless complexion, a lovely smile and big, sparkly eyes. After some idle chit-chat, Amy descended upon the hapless Virgin employees with phrases like "I live on the corner of Faggot & Cocksucker" and later brought the crowd up-to-date on her imaginary boyfriend Ricky's current state of being (He's a ghost now who haunts her apartment and won't do the bills). The soothing "Eye Burrito" demonstation was a hoot and later Amy granted one of my wishes by letting us tape up our noses and pose as Piglet, the filthest teenager on the planet. Aaahhhhhhh......Viva Life!